There are Many Reasons Why you may be due a tax Refund Here are a few examples.
- If you started a new job your employer may have given you an emergency tax code for a while or they may have been using the wrong tax code
- You may have only worked for part of the tax year
- You're a student and didn't complete form P38S Student Employees form to put you on the right tax code
- You had multiple jobs
- Other income you have that is taxed through your tax code for example, savings/investment income has reduced since you last told HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) about it - which means the amount of income included in your tax code is too high
- You ceased working and didn't get any taxable income or benefits for the rest of the tax year
- Your working circumstances changed - e.g. you changed from part-time to full-time working or became self-employed
- You were made redundant and didn't work for a period of time.
- You work in the construction Industry (CIS Refunds)
- You have worked out of UK Seafarers Tax Refunds
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